廖仲行 | Liao Zhongxing (Henry Liu)
School of Mathematics
Sun Yat-sen University
Guangzhou 510275
Office: 707
职称:副教授 | Associate Professor
邮箱:liaozhx5 AT mail DOT sysu DOT edu DOT cn
- 研究方向
I am interested in many areas of combinatorics, including extremal graph theory, graph colouring problems, digraphs and hypergraphs, and games on graphs.
I am currently a co-organiser of Guangzhou Discrete Mathematics Seminar, which a seminar series held here at SYSU.
- 研究成果
Selected publications
Gallai-Ramsey number for K4 (with Colton Magnant, Akira Saito, Ingo Schiermeyer and Yongtang Shi), Journal of Graph Theory, 94 (2020), 192-205
Highly connected subgraphs of graphs with given independence number (with Shinya Fujita and Amites Sarkar), European Journal of Combinatorics, 70 (2018), 212-231
On various (strong) rainbow connection numbers of graphs (with Lin Chen, Xueliang Li and Jinfeng Liu), The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 70 (2018), 137-156
Total rainbow connection of digraphs (with Hui Lei, Colton Magnant and Yongtang Shi), Discrete Applied Mathematics, 236 (2018), 288-305
Rainbow vertex connection of digraphs (with Hui Lei, Shasha Li and Yongtang Shi), Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35 (2018), 86-107
Decompositions of graphs into fans and single edges (with Teresa Sousa), Journal of Graph Theory, 85 (2017), 400-411
Monochromatic clique decompositions of graphs (with Oleg Pikhurko and Teresa Sousa), Journal of Graph Theory, 80 (2015), 287-298
Total rainbow k-connection in graphs (with Ângela Mestre and Teresa Sousa), Discrete Applied Mathematics, 174 (2014), 92-101
Monochromatic Kr-decompositions of graphs (with Teresa Sousa), Journal of Graph Theory, 76 (2014), 89-100
The balanced decomposition number and vertex connectivity (with Shinya Fujita), SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 24 (2010), 1597-1616
Highly connected coloured subgraphs via the regularity lemma (with Yury Person), Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009), 6277-6287
Highly connected monochromatic subgraphs of multicoloured graphs (with Robert Morris and Noah Prince), Journal of Graph Theory, 61 (2009), 22-44
Highly connected multicoloured subgraphs of multicoloured graphs (with Robert Morris and Noah Prince), Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008), 5096-5121
- 学习经历
2001/08 to 2006/05 - PhD in mathematics, The University of Memphis, USA. Advisor: Béla Bollobás
2000/09 to 2001/07 - Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics (Part III of the Mathematical Tripos), University of Cambridge, UK
1999/09 to 2000/06 - MSci in mathematics, University College London, UK
1996/09 to 1999/06 - BSci in mathematics, University College London, UK
- 工作经历
Before joining Sun Yat-sen University, I held several postdoctoral level positions. I was a Marie Curie Experienced Researcher at University College London, UK; as well as a postdoctoral researcher at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; and Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungary.
- 任教课程
Spring 2024 - MA308 Operations Research / 运筹学
Spring 2024 - MA5206 Numerical Approximation Theory / 数值逼近论 (Graduate level)
Fall 2023 - MA5215 Algorithm Design and Complexity / 算法设计与复杂性 (Graduate level)
Spring 2023 - MA5214 Stochastic Operations Research / 随机运筹学 (Graduate level)
Fall 2022 - MA403 Computer Graphics / 计算机图形学
Fall 2022 - MA5128 Algorithm Design and Complexity / 算法设计与复杂性 (Graduate level)
Spring 2022 - MA308 Operations Research / 运筹学
Spring 2022 - MA5107 Numerical Approximation Theory / 数值逼近论 (Graduate level)
Fall 2021 - MA5106 Optimisation Theory and Methods / 最优化理论与方法 (Graduate level)
Spring 2021 - MA197 Liberal Arts Mathematics / 文科数学
Spring 2021 - MA5107 Numerical Approximation Theory / 数值逼近论 (Graduate level)
Spring 2020 - MA197 Liberal Arts Mathematics / 文科数学 (Online)
Spring 2020 - MA5107 Numerical Approximation Theory / 数值逼近论 (Graduate level; online)
Spring 2019 - MA5107 Numerical Approximation Theory / 数值逼近论 (Graduate level)
Fall 2018 - MA5101 Functional Analysis II / 泛函分析II (Graduate level)
Spring 2018 - MA304 Differential Geometry / 微分几何 (Two classes)